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Top Engineering College of Orissa


Arts is the creative art mostly visual, whose products are appreciated solely for their imaginative, aesthetic, or intellectual content. Art and Sculpting are popular fine arts subjects that encourage individuals to explore and develop their creative potential. It helps the students to unleash the inner budding artist– and better understand art as a subject and just not a mere hobby. The school has an Art Room with facilities for drawing, painting, sculpturing, pottery and fabric design that invigorates the soul and nurtures the imagination of the students. School has trained art and craft faculty who work with the children throughout the year to enhance the talent in them. Art lab offers practical learning of art & craft


Presently in DPS Dhenkanal we have specific days of art and crafts classes in a week. The students are encouraged to reflect their creativity to produce unique and original work. They are also exhorted to put their imagination and creativity on craft unit projects given on fabric designs, pen stands, wall hangings etc


we work on the 360 degree development of the students. Music and Dance are important components of school education, the benefits of which have been largely documented..The purpose of having music and dance Rooms is to provide the students an understanding of the fundamentals of these forms of expression at the same time strengthening their bond with one of the finest forms of art. Exploring the various dimensions of music, whether performing a vocal solo, rehearsing to tune the strings or creating compositions, the main aim of the music labs of the school is to nurture creativity.
The trained music faculty is committed to give the students the tools they need to study and perform, as well as the confidence and inspiration to pursue the music they find inspiring, ultimately making them calm, composed and in sync with their spiritual self.



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